
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Commenting Tutorial

   It has come to my attention that leaving a comment w/ a name maybe something some are unsure how to do. So I've done my reseach and am here to share (really I am just hoping you all will comment more... it makes my day!)  Don't feel bad about not getting it I honestly spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get things to go where I want them (just ask Jim I frequently get upset when it doesn't do what I want). And because I learn best with visual prompts I am providing them for you (admit it you look at the pictures on directions and attempt to complete something without reading the words unless it doesn't work too).
  1) Read Lyndsey's (maybe someday Jim!? hint hint) amazing blog entry.
  2) Once you have scrolled to the bottom you will see a place that says Comments. Click on the word COMMENTS
3) You will now be at a screen that looks like this

Go to Select Profile drop down box and click on Name/URL (it is closer to the bottom)
4) That will bring you to this screen

Where it says Name: type in whatever name you would like to appear with your comments and then hit Continue
5)This will take you back to the comment screen

From there you just type a little message. Then hit Post Comment & you are done.
If you need more help just let me know. I am wanting this blog to really keep the family updated and involved and LOVE LOVE LOVE getting your comments & input!


  1. Thanks for this info. Boy do i have a lot to learn. the first one I tried to do got all typed then had to look at directions again.Later love ya.

  2. ok now we in right place. did i do it correctly??
