The Mission: Complete 100 tasks between my 27th Birthday and my 30th Birthday
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks should also be realistic and stretching (ie must represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 3 years?: Many people have created lists in the past- frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. Three years is a better period of time than a year, because it allows several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as trips or outdoor activities.
The Start Date: 9/25/2011
The End Date: 9/25/2014
Goals in progress will be italicized and pink, goals completed will be bold and blue
The Goals
- Paint your own pottery.
- Make a quilt.
- Take a painting class.
- Take a dance class.
- Take a cake decorating class.
- Create a craft log.
- Finish headboard and footboard.
- Learn to play a song on the guitar.
- Get college diploma framed.
- Get a massage.
- Spend a whole day at the beach (from sunrise to sunset).
- Dress up and go on a date with Jim. (The Kennedy Center in DC)
- Get a mani/pedi.
- Get a new & bigger bed.
- Get a DSLR camera.
- Spend an entire weekend watching FRIENDS.
- Go to the Melting Pot.
- Sleep under the stars.
- Be able to identify 2 constellations (besides the dippers) (1/2). Orion
- Start a campfire all by myself.
- Go on a picnic.
- Carve my name in a tree.
- Go on a mountain/hiking trip with Jim.
- Take a spur of the moment trip with Jim.
- Go rock climbing.
- Build an amazing sandcastle.
- Go on a hike greater than 5 miles.
- Get a passport.
- Use passport.
- Go on a horse trail ride.
- Take a trip on a train.
- Go orienteering.
- Run 1 mile without walking.
- Run a 5k.
- Improve my posture.
- Take a spinning class.
- Go to the gym 3x/week for 1 month.
- Go vegetarian for 1 month.
- Get eyes checked/new glasses.
- Go to 10 festivals. (1/10)
- Go 1 week without Facebook (3x)(0/3)
- Go 1 week without TV/movies (3x)(0/3)
- Identify 25 things that make me completely happy. (3/25)
- Answer 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind.
- Complete 365 photo challenge.
- No fast food for 1 month.
- Pack lunch every day for 2 weeks.
- No tennis shoes/ponytails/t-shirts for 1 week.
- Eat dinner at the table 2x/week. for 1 month.
- Organize recipes.
- Visit 10 museums. (4/10)
- Use reusable bags at grocery for 2 months.(0/2)
- Take multivitamin every day for 1 month.( Prenatals count.)
- Start cleaning schedule and stick to it.
- Complete Urban Alphabet project.
- Finish all Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving one year.
- Do not make lists for 1 week.
- Sort/update itunes library.
- Create a hard copy of my blog.
- See a play on Broadway.
- Go on a cruise.
- See a drive in movie.
- Dance in the rain.
- Go to a zoo other than the Columbus Zoo.
- Go to Brookgreen Gardens.
- Go to Boston Aquarium.
- Go to a pick your own farm.
- Go to a Farmers Market (3x) (0/3)
- Visit 2 states I have never been to. (0/2)
- See the Nutcracker.
- Go to NYC.
- Go to Disney.
- Expand my vocabulary by 100 words. (0/100)
- Read 30 books. (4/30)
- Try 36 new recipes. (6/36)
- Learn to photo shop.
- Learn 20 French phrases. (7/20)
- Learn to drive a stick shift.
- Learn how to use all the features on my camera.
- Learn to knit something other than a blanket/scarf.
- Make family/friend important dates master list.
- Find more information/organize Family History information.
- Complete Wedding Album.
- Scrapbook College Years.
- Scrapbook years between college and wedding.
- Scrapbook 2010.
- Scrapbook 2011.
- Date Night 1x/month for 6 months.
- Send 12 cards/letters for no reason. (0/12)
- 50 hours of volunteer work. (0/50)
- Organize/set up a craft room.
- Leave an inspirational quote in a book.
- Write a letter to myself in 10 years.
- Increase my "library" by 10 books. (5/10)
- Adopt a child from the Angel Tree.
- Send package to friend's children I have been planning for over a year.
- Take Tucker for 2 1 mile walks per week for 1 month.
- Have fresh flowers 6x. (2/6)
- Stop and cuddle with husband when he asks 1x/week.