It has been a wonderful first year of marriage.
We relished in our new union,
Reminisced about the start of the wedding journey,
Discovered new places together,
Threw out all the rules and made our own,
Found the beauty in nature,
Dipped our toes in the water,
Accomplished new things,
Experienced some of the best local amusement there is to offer,
Challenged each other,
Spent quality time together,
Survived three weeks with a 17 year old,
Made some last minute decisions,
Sought out some ghosts,
Figured out how to work a camera,
Paid tribute to what brought us together,
Shared our hobbies,
Shared old traditions,
Made some new bonds,
Continued our own traditions,
Celebrated the new union of friends,
(Two weeks in a row)
Got our first "blended" family photos,

Achieved personal and team bests,
Supported each other,
Made things up as we went along,
Encouraged each other to try new things,
Found peace together,
We learned a lot,
We got everything we ever wanted.
It was not until I met Jim that I understood how relaxing a car ride with no destination could be. How trips without an itinerary could be fun. That staying home and sitting on the couch on a weekend could be one of my favorite things. Or I could get so much joy out of something I didn't like as long as it made him happy. It isn't about loving to do all the same exact things, it is about finding the common denominator and building upon that.We are still only at the beginning and have a lot more experiences to learn and grow together from but I am so excited to be one year into that journey.