We have been debating between several places that we would both like to go for quite some time and for a little while we have been leaning heavily toward one destination in particular. Finally we have made a choice and started researching and planning since we will have a lot of ground to cover in not a lot of time because we are going to WASHINGTON, D.C.!

One thing I remember distinctly was being told by a Security Guard that if our school had contacted the state representative in advance that we could have toured the White House (at least part of it anyway). This is one thing we will be looking into. (We did however meet Bob Nay and John Glenn during our visit and they signed our lovely yellow hats that we had to wear the entire trip).
I have already obtained a tour guide book and a wonderful and easily readable map. It has pictures of the buildings instead of little squares to make it a bit easier to identify what you are looking for, much like the OSU campus map with which I was wildly successful (and that is good for a navigationally impaired girl).
I also got some materials for assembling and organizing all the information and our itenerary. Because I would hate to show up unprepared and miss out on seeing as much as possible because we ran around like crazy, didn't know what we wanted to see, or having no information. It is my goal to learn as much as possible about the buildings and their history so as we walk past I can tell Jim exactly what is so important about that particular building.
Have you been to D.C.? What do you recommend for food/hotels/sights/activities? Do you know historical tid bits that would be fun to know when seeing all the amazing buildings and monuments?